Want to go to Websummit 2015?

Win a Free Ticket to attend this year’s #WebSummit2015 in Dublin courtesy OKIKI APP
Are you an experienced PR writer or a tech blogger? If so, write us a good PR article and join 30,000 attendees in the upcoming #WebSummit2015 in Dublin this November as Okiki App is giving out one Free Ticket to the best PR article about her brand (OKIKI APP) to attend #WebSummit2015. Can you beat that!. Just write us an impeccable PR content and send to us for review. The best PR content wins. The winner will be annouced on all our social media platform and will be contacted via email or phone.
Submission of articles closes on Wednesday, 21th of October, 2015. Winner will be annouced shortly after.
About Okiki App
OKIKI is a brand new cutting edge app connecting Nollywood film makers, stars and fans using a unique, slickly designed digital interface. With years of experience and a team of expert developers behind it, OKIKI is firmly set to shake up the digital streaming market, providing a slick, smooth user end experience that allows film fans to access to their favourite directors and artists in real time.
OKIKI is the latest and most advanced way for fans and film makers to come together and enjoy the very best of Nollywood via an ultra-modern in-app interface available free for download.
Okiki as a platform can be used to reduce piracy in the industry whereby movie makers can now enjoy return of their investment/s, marketers and studios alike.
Dont miss this wonderful opportunity Okiki App is offering, be part of the 30,000 attendees to meet and socialise with over 1,000 speakers including the world’s leading founders, investors, CEOs, inventors, designers and thinkers. The speakers include: Mike Krieger, Co-Founder, Instagram, Peggy Johnson, EVP, Business Development, Microsoft, William Clay Ford Jr., Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company, Mike Schroepfer, CTO, Facebook, Dave McClure, Founding Partner, 500 Startups, Deb Roy, Chief Media Scientist, Twitter, Sameer Dholakia, CEO, SendGrid, Phil Libin, Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Evernote
Aparna Chennapragada, Director of Product & Engineering, Google, Samantha Barry, Head of Social Media, CNN, Sam Allardyce, Edwin van der Sar, Nas, the list is just endless.
#WebSummit2015, Where The Tech World Meets.